
11 mars 2019

REVUE : Questions of International Law / Questioni di Diritto Internazionale (n°55, 2018)

Maurizio ARCARI

The latest issue of Questions of International Law / Questioni di Diritto Internazionale (n°55, 2018) is out.

The Advisory Opinion of The International Court of Justice on the Chagos Archipelago: An Anticipatory Analysis (Part III)

Thomas Burri, Lucas Carlos Lima, Loris Marotti, Irini Papanicolopulu, Peter Sand, Introduction 
Thomas Burri, Two points for the International Court of Justice in Chagos: Take the case, all of it: It is a human rights case

Johannes Hebdrik Fahner, Déjà Vu in The Hague: The relevance of the Chagos arbitral award to the proceedings before the ICJ 
Ursa Demsar et al., The concept of duress in the world of decolonization 
Antoni Pingrau, Reflections on the effectiveness of peremptory norms and erga omnes obligations before international tribunals, regarding the request for an advisory opinion from the International Court of Justice on the Chagos Islands 
James Summers, Decolonisation revisited and the obligation not to divide a non-self-governing territory 
Julia Wagner, The Chagos request and the role of the consent principle in the ICJ’s advisory jurisdiction, or: What to do when opportunity knocks?

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