The latest issue of the Business and Human Rights Journal (vol. 4, n°1, January 2019) is out with a special issue on "Business, Human Rights and Security".
Mary E. Footer, Nigel D. White, Guest Editorial - Business, Human Rights and SecurityDevelopments in the Field
Marya Farah, Maha Abdallah, Security, Business and Human Rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territory
Daria Davitti, The Rise of Private Military and Security Companies in European Union Migration Policies: Implications under the UNGPs
Sorcha Macleod, Rebecca Dewinter-Schmitt, Certifying Private Security Companies: Effectively Ensuring the Corporate Responsibility to Respect Human Rights?
Cristina Narváez González, Katharine Valencia, Improving Human Rights in the Private Security Industry: Envisioning the Role of ICoCA in Latin America
Núria Reguart-Segarra, Business, Indigenous Peoples’ Rights and Security in the Case Law of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights
William S. Dodge, Corporate Liability Under the US Alien Tort Statute: A Comment on Jesner v Arab Bank
Catie Shavin, Unlocking the Potential of the New OECD Due Diligence Guidance on Responsible Business Conduct
Joana Nabuco, Leticia Aleixo, Rights Holders’ Participation and Access to Remedies: Lessons Learned from the Doce River Dam Disaster
Machiko Kanetake, The EU’s Export Control of Cyber Surveillance Technology: Human Rights Approaches
Vivek Krishnamurthy, Are Internet Protocols the New Human Rights Protocols? Understanding ‘RFC 8280 – Research into Human Rights Protocol Considerations’
Kinnari Bhatt, Does India’s Draft Mineral Policy Recognize and Implement Public Trust over Mineral Resources and Intergenerational Equity?
Sera Mirzabegian, Big Tobacco v Australia: Challenges to Plain Packaging

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