13 décembre 2020

REVUE : African Yearbook of International Law / Annuaire Africain de droit international (vol. 23, 2018)


The latest volume of the African Yearbook of International Law (vol. 23, 2018) is out. 


Fatsah Ouguergouz, African States and Investment Law and Arbitration – Challenges and Opportunities: an Introduction  
Arnaud de Nanteuil, La protection de la liberté normative de l’État dans les traités africains récents relatifs à l’investissement : quelques réflexions  
Aïssatou Diop, Paul-Jean Le Cannu, The Modernization of Rules for the Resolution of Investment Disputes: the Proposals for Amendment of the icsid Rules and Their Relevance To African States  
Makane Moïse Mbengue, Stefanie Schacherer, Africa as an Investment Rule-Maker: Decrypting the Pan-African Investment Code  
Guled Yusuf, Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice: Revisiting the Role of Restitution in Investment Treaty Arbitration  
Nicolas Angelet, La promotion des arbitres africains : pour une appropriation panafricaine du contentieux des investissements  
Fouad Sayegh, Yacine Rezki, Le café: graines fiscales du nouvel équilibre Nord – Sud
Fatsah Ouguergouz, The Protection of Chinese’s Investments in Africa: a Brief Overview of Investor-State Dispute Settlement Mechanisms  
Mathias G. Sahinkuye, The Contribution of the African Institute of International Law to the Promotion of Commercial and Investment Arbitration in Africa  
Tiyanjana Maluwa, Constitutional Regulation of Conclusion of Treaties in Africa: Selected Case Studies from Anglophone and Francophone Africa  
Najib Messihi, La République arabe sahraouie démocratique : Un État au sens du droit international?  
Zelalem Mogessie Teferra, Revisiting the Rule of Non-Refoulement and its Exceptions: Does Article 33(2) of the 1951 Refugee Convention Require the Application of the Principle of Proportionality?  
Anna Facchinetti, Judicial Dialogue in Africa and Europe: a Comparison in Light of the Effectiveness of the African and European Systems of Protection of Human Rights  
Udoka Ndidiamaka Owie, The International Criminal Court, Head of State Immunity and the Referral of the Situation in Darfur  
Pacifique Manirakiza, A Twail Perspective on the African Union’s Project to Withdraw from the International Criminal Court  
Vincent Zakané, Les Dynamiques de la Médiation dans le Règlement Pacifique des Conflits en Afrique  
Catherine Maia, The Security Council and the Use of Force: Between Military Power and Powerlessness  
Mutoy Mubiala, The Kinshasa Convention for the Control of Small Arms and Light Weapons in Central Africa  
Fatsah Ouguergouz, The African Yearbook of International Law: A Quarter-Century of Contribution to the Development and Dissemination of International Law


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