In his report (July 26, 2010), the Secretary-General identified seven options for the Security Council to consider, including:
  • Option 1: The enhancement of United Nations assistance to build capacity of regional States to prosecute and imprison persons responsible for acts of piracy and armed robbery at sea off the coast of Somalia
  • Option 2: The establishment of a Somali court sitting in the territory of a third State in the region, either with or without United Nations participation
  • Option 3: The establishment of a special chamber within the national jurisdiction of a State or States in the region, without United Nations participation
  • Option 4: The establishment of a special chamber within the national jurisdiction of a State or States in the region, with United Nations participation
  • Option 5: The establishment of a regional tribunal on the basis of a multilateral agreement among regional States, with United Nations participation
  • Option 6: The establishment of an international tribunal on the basis of an agreement between a State in the region and the United Nations
  • Option 7: The establishment of an international tribunal by Security Council resolution under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations.
Notably, Option 1 is being pursued with the opening of a special anti-piracy court in Kenya.