3 avril 2017

REVUE : Journal of Conflict Resolution (vol. 61, n°1, January 2017)

David ROY

The latest issue of the Journal of Conflict Resolution (vol. 61, n°1, January 2017) is out.

Madhav Joshi, Erik Melander, Jason Michael Quinn, Sequencing the Peace: How the Order of Peace Agreement Implementation Can Reduce the Destabilizing Effects of Post-accord Elections 
Fieke Harinck, Daniel Druckman, Do Negotiation Interventions Matter? Resolving Conflicting Interests and Values 
Stephen Chaudoin, Zachary Peskowitz, Christopher Stanton, Beyond Zeroes and Ones: The Intensity and Dynamics of Civil Conflict 
Daphna Canetti, Julia Elad-Strenger, Iris Lavi, Dana Guy, Daniel Bar-Tal, Exposure to Violence, Ethos of Conflict, and Support for Compromise: Surveys in Israel, East Jerusalem, West Bank, and Gaza 
Nimrod Rosler, Smadar Cohen-Chen, Eran Halperin, The Distinctive Effects of Empathy and Hope in Intractable Conflicts 
Kishore Gawande, Devesh Kapur, Shanker Satyanath, Renewable Natural Resource Shocks and Conflict Intensity: Findings from India’s Ongoing Maoist Insurgency 
Antonis Adam, Petros G. Sekeris, Self-Containment: Achieving Peace in Anarchic Settings 
Andrew T. Little, Coordination, Learning, and Coups

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