The latest volume of the Ethiopian Yearbook of International Law (2018) is out.
Zeray Yihdego, Melaku Geboye Desta, Marta Belete Hailu, In Pursuit of Peace and Prosperity through International Law
Thomas R. Snider, Aishwarya Suresh Nair, Ten Years on: A Look at the Legacy of the Eritrea-Ethiopia Claims Commission
Constantinos Yiallourides, Zeray Yihdego, Disputed Territories and the Law on the Use of Force: Lessons from the Eritrea-Ethiopia Case
Beka Melkamu Tesgera, Patenting Developing Countries’ Traditional Knowledge As New Invention: An Examination of the Teff Processing Patent Claim by a Dutch Company and the Way Forward
Götz Reichert, International Water Cooperation in Europe: Lessons for the Nile Basin Countries?
John Paterson, Production Sharing Agreements in Africa: Sovereignty and Relationality
Lindsey Callahan, Contract-Farming in Cocoa Value Chains in Africa: Possibilities and Challenges
Joseph A. McMahon, Africa Post-Brexit in EU Development Cooperation Policy and UK Trade Policy: Investing in New Relationships?
Enenu O. Okwori, The Obligation of Due Diligence and Cyber-Attacks: Bridging the Gap Between Universal and Differential Approaches for States

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