The latest volume of the South African Yearbook of International Law (vol. 43, 2018) is out.
Moses Retselisitsoe Phooko, A sin committed by the (suspended) SADC Tribunal: the erosion of state sovereignty in the SADC region
Jamil Ddamulira Mujuzi, The principle of non-refoulement in South Africa and the exclusion from refugee status of asylum seekers who have committed offences abroad: a comment on Gavric v. Refugee Status Determination Officer, Cape Town and Others
Michelle Frances Diers, The historical development of international organisations with separate legal personality since the 19th century
Isabeau Steytler, The unsettled question of Al-Bashir’s immunity: a case note on the ICC Minority Opinion of Judge Perrin de Brichambaut
Dire Tladi, The International Law Commission is 70… staying with the old and playing with the new? Reflections on the work of the Commission during its commemorative year
George Barrie, The requirement of ‘awareness’ as a precondition for the existence of a ‘legal dispute’ under article 36(2) of the Statute of the ICJ
Hennie Strydom, Introduction - The inaugral John Dugard Lecture in International Law, University of Johannesburg, 25 October 2018
James Crawford, South Africa and international law a tribute to John Dugard
Max du Plessis, Closure: the inaugural John Dugard Lecture in International Law, University of Johannesburg, 25 October 2018

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