The latest volume of the Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law (vol. 17, 2014) is out. This is a special volume on "1914–2014: WWI Centenary - 100 Years of Warfare Evolution."
- The Evolution of Warfare
- Peter Maurer, The Evolution in the Legal Protection of Victims of Armed Conflict
- Ahmet Üzümcü, One Hundred Years of Chemical Warfare and Disarmament: Then and Now
- Wim Klinkert, Warfare 1914–2014: The Most Violent Century in Human History
- The Law of Weaponry 1914–2014
- Thilo Marauhn, The Prohibition to Use Chemical Weapons
- Jonathan Herbach, The Evolution of Legal Approaches to Controlling Nuclear and Radiological Weapons and Combating the Threat of Nuclear Terrorism
- The Methods of Warfare 1914–2014
- Wolff Heintschel von Heinegg, The Development of the Law of Naval Warfare from the Nineteenth to the Twenty-First Century—Some Select Issues
- Emily Crawford, From Inter-state and Symmetric to Intra-state and Asymmetric: Changing Methods of Warfare and the Law of Armed Conflict in the 100 Years Since World War One
- Challenges to Humanitarian Assistance and Protection
- Keiichiro Okimoto, Humanitarian Activities Carried Out Across Borders in Times of Armed Conflict in the Light of State Sovereignty and International Humanitarian Law
- Emilie E. Kuijt, Legal Challenges in the Provision of Humanitarian Assistance: The Case of Non-international Armed Conflicts
- Other Fields of Law
- Yaël Ronen, A Century of the Law of Occupation
- Kevin Chamberlain, Casualties of Armed Conflict: Protecting Cultural Property
- Other Articles
- Fréderique van Oijen & Jessica Dorsey, Year in Review 2014
- Kenneth Watkin, Military Advantage: A Matter of “Value”, Strategy, and Tactics

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