The latest issue of the African Journal of International and Comparative Law (vol. 25, n°2, May 2017) is out.
James D. Fry, Ethiopian Exceptionalism and the Eritrea-Ethiopia Boundary Commission
Abiodun Jacob Osuntogun, Examination of the Institutional and Regulatory Framework for Corporate Human Rights Accountability in South Africa
Avitus A. Agbor, Shifting the Matrix from Legal Passivity to a New Domestic Legal Order: Towards the Justiciability of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in Cameroon
Getachew Mengistie & Michael Blakeney, Geographical Indications and the Scramble for Africa
Howard Chitimira, A Conspectus of the Functions of the Judiciary under the Zimbabwe Constitution 2013
Victor O. Ayeni & Matthew A. Olong, Opportunities and Challenges to the UN Security Council Referral under the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court
Antti Belinskij, Louis J. Kotzé & Oliver Fuo, Domestic Manifestations of International Law's Right to Water: A Comparative Analysis of Emerging Rights Obligations in Finland and South Africa
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