The latest issue of International Peacekeeping (vol. 24, n°2, 2017) is out.
Naazneen H. Barma, Naomi Levy & Jessica Piombo, Disentangling aid dynamics in statebuilding and peacebuilding: a causal framework
Beverley Milton-Edwards, The ‘Warriors Break’: Hamas and the Limits of Ceasefire Beyond Tactical Pause
Nina Wilén & Lindy Heinecken, Peacekeeping deployment abroad and the self-perceptions of the effect on career advancement, status and reintegration
Stephanie Perazzone, Reintegrating former fighters in the Congo: ambitious objectives, limited results
Debora Valentina Malito, Neutral in favour of whom? The UN intervention in Somalia and the Somaliland peace process
Vladimir Kmec, The establishment of the Peacebuilding Commission: reflecting power shifts in the United Nations
Simone Datzberger, Peacebuilding through non-formal education programmes: a case study from Karamoja, Uganda
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