Volume 380 of the Recueil des cours, Collected Courses of the Hague Academy of International Law is out.
Johannes Hendrik Albert van Loon
Chapter I. The development of private international law against the backdrop of the evolving nation-State
A. Origins and early development of private international lawChapter II. The impact of globalization on the development of private international law
B. Birth of the Hague Conference on private international law
C. Establishment of the Hague Conference as an international organization: early innovations
D. Globalization: its effects on the nation-State
A. Rising profile, proliferation of sources, new approachesChapter III. Global challenges for private international law on the horizon
B. Commerce and trade : party autonomy within limits
C. Families and children : direct transnational institutional co-operation and interaction with human rights
A. People on the move
B. Environment and climate change
C. Some general conclusions
Paul-Gérard Pougoué
Prolégomènes: Place de l’arbitrage dans la stratégie de l’OHADA
Section I. Avant l’avènement de l’OHADAChapitre I. Cadrage général de l’ordre juridique arbitral dans l’espace OHADA
Section II. Depuis l’avènement de l’OHADA
Section I. Unification du régime juridique de l’arbitrageChapitre II. Mise en oeuvre de la justice arbitrale dans l’espace OHADA
Paragraphe I. Unification de la notion de l’arbitrage
Paragraphe II. Absolutisme de l’unité de régime juridique de l’arbitrage dans l’espace OHADA
Section II. Simplification du domaine de l’arbitrage
Paragraphe I. Approche simplifiée de l’arbitrabilité objective
Paragraphe II. Approche simplifiée de l’arbitrabilité subjective
Section I. Principe matriciel de libertéAnnexe I : Traité OHADA
Section II. Principe matriciel de sécurité juridique
Paragraphe I. Justice arbitrale, justice à part entière
Paragraphe II. Justice arbitrale, justice à efficacité renforcée
Annexe II : Règlement d’arbitrage de la CCJA du 11 mars 1999
Annexe III : Acte uniforme du 11 mars 1999 relatif au droit de l’arbitrage
Annexe IV : Règlement d’arbitrage d’un centre privé d’arbitrage (Arbitrage régi par l’Acte uniforme relatif au droit de l’arbitrage) : cas du Centre permanent d’arbitrage et de médiation du centre africain pour le droit et le développement (CPAM – CADEV), Douala
Thalia Kruger
Chapter I. What is legal certainty?
A. The starting pointChapter II. Legal certainty and the troubled history of private international law
B. Objective and subjective legal certainty
C. Legal certainty on which level?
D. Legal certainty for whom?
E. Legal certainty by whom?
F. Legal certainty and other principles or ideals
G. Concluding words
A. Why we apply foreign lawChapter III. Seeking the best connection
B. The history of private international law
C. The US approach to conflict of laws
D. Developments in EU private international law
E. The application of foreign law
F. Concluding words
A. Connections in family law: proximity versus stabilityChapter IV. Corrections and exceptions to the connection
B. The best connections for obligations
C. Choice as a connection guaranteeing legal certainty
D. Protection of parties in a weak (bargaining) position
E. Country of origin?
F. Principle of recognition
G. Closer connection/better law: escape clauses
H. Concluding words
A. Classification and reclassificationChapter V. Litigation planning and strategies
B. Renvoi
C. Public policy
D. Mandatory rules
E. Evasion of the law
F. Free movement/trade-related policy
G. Harmonization/unification
H. Concluding words
A. The best connection for purposes of jurisdiction: strict rules or flexibility?Chapter VI. Recognition and enforcement
B. Parallel proceedings
C. Concluding words
A. GeneralConclusions and proposed solutions
B. Enforcement
C. Recognition and the applicable law test (contrôle de la loi applicable)
D. Concluding words
A. The best connectionsBibliography
B. Exception
C. Final words
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