27 février 2018

REVUE : Global Governance: A Review of Multilateralism and International Institutions (vol. 23, n°4, October-December 2017)

David ROY

The latest issue of Global Governance: A Review of Multilateralism and International Institutions (vol. 23, n°4, October-December 2017) is out.

The Global Forum
Robert C. Johansen, Developing a Grand Strategy for Peace and Human Security: Guidelines from Research, Theory, and Experience 
Abiodun Williams, The Responsibility to Protect and Institutional Change 
Maria Beatriz Bonna Nogueira, The Promotion of LGBT Rights as International Human Rights Norms: Explaining Brazil’s Diplomatic Leadership 
Melanie H. Ram, International Organization Autonomy and Issue Emergence: The World Bank’s Roma Inclusion Agenda 
Jeremy Youde, Global Health Governance in International Society 
Hylke Dijkstra, Collusion in International Organizations: How States Benefit from the Authority of Secretariats

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