Concepts allow us to know, understand, think, do and change international law. This book, with sixty chapters by leading scholars, provides a nuanced guide to those concepts of historical significance for international law, as well as those that have become central to how we think about the discipline. In select cases this book also offers some new concepts, seeking to address familiar concerns that have not been fully articulated within the discipline.
This unique book is the first expansive exploration of concepts that have become historically central to the discipline. It allows us to appreciate how order, struggle and change play out in international law and legal thought, and how these concerns of power implicate ethical considerations. Embracing a wide range of historical and theoretical approaches, this book hopes to ignite a renewed, fertile engagement between our concepts and the contemporary, precarious, conditions of international legal life.
Thought-provoking, original and engaging, this book is essential reading for researchers, postgraduates and doctoral students in international law, legal history and legal theory. Academics in international relations, history, sociology and political thought will also find this an essential read.
Sahib Singh, Jean d'Aspremont, The Life of International Law and its Concepts
Fernando Lusa Bordin, Analogy
Başak Çalı, Authority
Richard Collins, Autonomy
Jean d’Aspremont, Bindingness
Ntina Tzouvala, Civilization
Yannick Radi, Coherence
Ingrid Wuerth, Compliance
Stephen Neff, Consent
Anne Peters, Constitutionalisation
Jochen von Bernstorff, Critic
Hilary Charlesworth, Democracy
Onur Ince, Development
Florian Hoffmann, Discourse
Anthony Anghie, Domination
Gleider I. Hernandez, Effectiveness
Andrea Bianchi, Epistemic Communities
Jan Klabbers, Ethics
Mohammad Shahabuddin, Ethnicity
Luca Bonadiman, Faith
Harlan Grant Cohen, Fragmentation
Robert Knox, Hegemony
Ukri Soirila, Humanity
John Haskell, Identity
Walter Rech, Ideology
Gerry Simpson, Imagination
Akbar Rasulov, Imperialism
Cameron A. Miles, Indeterminacy
Antônio Augusto Cançado Trindade, Individual
Timothy Meyer, Instrumentalism
Nikolas M. Rajkovic, Interdisciplinarity
Christian J. Tams, International Community
Kevin Jon Heller, International Crime
Jacob Katz Cogan, International Organizations
Duncan B. Hollis, Interpretation
Patrick Capps, Interpretivism
Cedric Ryngaert, Jurisdiction
Frédéric Mégret, Justice
Valentin Jeutner, Legal Dilemma
Umut Özsu, Legal Form
Fleur Johns, Legality
Oliver Kessler, Filipe dos Reis, Legitimacy
Anne van Mulligen, Normativity
Catherine Brölmann, Janne Nijman, Personality
Nico Krisch, Pluralism
Makane Moïse Mbengue, Precedent
Thomas Skouteris, Progress
Pierre Schlag, Reason
Matthias Goldmann, Relative Normativity
André Nollkaemper, Responsibility
Vidya Kumar, Revolutionaries
Samuel Moyn, Rights
Philip Allott, Rule of Law
Ingo Venzke, Semantic Authority
Guglielmo Verdirame, Sovereignty
Tom Sparks, State
Mario Prost, System
Geoff Gordon, Universalism
Akbar Rasulov, Utopian
Iain Scobbie, War

Jean D’ASPREMONT, Sahib SINGH (eds.), Concepts for International Law: Contributions to Disciplinary Thought, Cheltenham, UK, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2019 (960 pp.)
Contributors: P. Allott, A. Anghie, A. Bianchi, L. Bonadiman, F.L. Bordin, C. Brölmann, B. Çalı, P. Capps, H. Charlesworth, J.K. Cogan, H.G. Cohen, R. Collins, J. d’Aspremont, M. Goldmann, G. Gordon, J. Haskell, K.J. Heller, G.I. Hernández, F. Hoffmann, D.B. Hollis, O.U. Ince, V. Jeutner, F. Johns, O. Kessler, J. Klabbers, R. Knox, N. Krisch, V. Kumar, M.M. Mbengue, F. Mégret, T. Meyer, C.A. Miles, S. Moyn, S. Neff, J. Nijman, A. Nollkginal U. Öszu, A. Peters, M. Prost, Y. Radi, N.M. Rajkovic, A. Rasulov, W. Rech, F.D. Reis, C. Ryngaert, P. Schlag, I. Scobbie, M. Shahabuddin, G. Simpson, S. Singh, T. Skouteris, U. Soirila, T. Sparks, C.J. Tams, A.A.C. Trindade, N. Tzouvala, A. van Mulligen, I. Venzke, G. Verdirame, J. von Bernstorff, I. Wuerth
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