6 avril 2020

OUVRAGE : The UN Human Rights Council: A Practical Anatomy


Since its establishment the work of the Human Rights Council (UNHRC) has been subject to many interpretations, theories, comments or conclusions. This comprehensive book dissects every aspect of the UNHRC’s work and analyses the efficiency of, and interactions between, its mechanisms. Authored by the first Secretary of the UNHRC, this book provides unique practitioner insights into the complex decision making processes of the Council alongside the core variations from its predecessor.

This book is the outcome of a six-months research fellowship carried out by the author at the Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights.


1. The Human Rights Council in a Nutshell 
2. The Human Rights Council Functions 
3. The Human Rights Council Governance: The Role and Functions of the President and His/Her Bureau 
4. The Human Rights Council Stakeholders 
5. The Structure of Sessional and Intersessional Activities 
6. The Human Rights Council Voting Procedure and Procedural Motions 
7. The Change Management Process as it Applies to the Council and Previously the Commission In Guise of an Imperfect Conclusion Index

The UN Human Rights Council

Eric TISTOUNET, The UN Human Rights Council: A Practical Anatomy, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2020 (384 pp.)

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