16 août 2020

OUVRAGE : M. Tignino, Ö. Irmakkesen, The Geneva List of Principles on the Protection of Water Infrastructure: An Assessment and the Way Forward


Attacks against water infrastructure and their weaponization have hit the headlines several times in recent armed conflicts. As opposed to the protection of water per se as a natural resource and as a vital human need which is dealt with rather extensively in doctrine, the protection of water infrastructure requires greater scrutiny. This monograph includes the Geneva List of Principles on the Protection of Water Infrastructure, drafted in 2019 under the auspices of the Geneva Water Hub, bringing together rules regulating the protection of water infrastructure under international humanitarian law, international human rights law, international environmental law and international water law. It aims at providing a holistic approach to the issue by clarifying international obligations and developing recommendations in the form of principles.


1. Introduction
2. The Geneva List of Principles on the Protection of Water Infrastructure, with Commentaries
3. Perspectives
Annex: The Geneva List of Principles on the Protection of Water Infrastructure
Author Biographies

Mara TIGNINO, Öykü IRMAKKESEN, The Geneva List of Principles on the Protection of Water Infrastructure: An Assessment and the Way Forward, Leiden, Brill, 2020 (104 pp.)

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