8 mai 2023

REVUE : European Journal of International Relations (vol. 29, n° 1, 2023)


The latest issue of the European Journal of International Relations (vol. 29, n° 1, 2023) is out.

Henning Tamm, Allard Duursma, Combat, commitment, and the termination of Africa’s mutual interventions

Iosif Kovras, Technologies of justice: forensics and the evolution of transitional justice

Chiara Ruffa, Sebastiaan Rietjens, Meaning making in peacekeeping missions: mandate interpretation and multinational collaboration in the UN mission in Mali

Lennart Maschmeyer, Subversion, cyber operations, and reverse structural power in world politics

Miles M. Evers, Discovering the prize: information, lobbying, and the origins of US–Saudi security relations

Neil C. Renic, Superweapons and the myth of technological peace

Amir Lupovici, Ontological security, cyber technology, and states’ responses

Tuncer Beyribey, Terrorism as a conceptual site for power struggles: problematization of terrorism in Turkey in the 1970s

Aidan Hehir, ‘An expensive commodity’? The impact of hope on US foreign policy during the ‘unipolar moment’

Stéphanie Martel, Aarie Glas, The contested meaning-making of diplomatic norms: competence in practice in Southeast Asian multilateralism

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