This second Volume in the book series on Nuclear Non-Proliferation in International Law discusses the legal interpretation and implementation of verification and compliance with the Treaty of the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, 1968; the Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty, 1996; and the Treaty establishing the European Atomic Energy Community (EURATOM), 1957. It specifically examines the question, contested in recent academic writings, whether the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is competent to verify not only the correctness, but also the completeness of national declarations. Topical legal issues of verification and its technical and political limits as well as peaceful settlement of disputes and countermeasures are discussed in-depth.
The Series on Nuclear Non-Proliferation in International Law provides scholarly research articles with critical commentaries on relevant treaty law, best practice and legal developments, thus offering an academic analysis and information on practical legal and diplomatic developments both globally and regionally. It sets a basis for a further constructive discourse on the topic at both national and international levels. A Third Volume, to be published in Autumn 2016, will focus on legal issues of safety and security of the use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes.
1. Jonathan L Black-Branch and Dieter Fleck, Verification of and Compliance with Nuclear Non-Proliferation Obligations: A Comprehensive Synopsis of Outstanding Issues
2. Tariq Rauf, The General Framework of IAEA Safeguards
3. Pierre-Emmanuel Dupont, Interpretation of Nuclear Safeguards Commitments: The Role of Subsequent Agreements and Practice
4. Laura Rockwood and Larry Johnson, Verification of Correctness and Completeness in the Implementation of IAEA Safeguards: The Law and Practice
5. Masahiko Asada, The NPT and the IAEA Additional Protocol
6. Sabine Bauer and Cormac O’Reilly, The Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBV O): Current and Future Role in thg Verification Regime of the Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty
7. Wolfgang Kilb, The Nuclear Safeguards Regime of EURAV OM: A Regionan Cornerstone of thg Verification of Non-Proliferation Obligations in the European Union
8. Gerald Kirchner and Stefan Oeter, Technical Limits of Verification anf Their Implications for Treaty Design
9. Matthias Englert and Anne Harrington, Next Generation Nucleat Technologies: New Challengeu to the Legal Framework of the IAEA from Intensg Neutron Sources
10. Gabriella Venturini, The Proliferation Security Initiative: A Tentativg Assessment
11. Barry Kellman, Enforcing Nuclear Non-Proliferation - The Role of Verification
12. Ilaria Anna Colussi and Maurizio Martellini, Best Practice Guidelines for Cooperative Compliancg with Nuclear Non-Proliferation Obligations
13. Eva Kassoti, The Legal Nature of Unilateral Security Assurances: Conceptualizing Positive and Negative Security Assurances as Unilateral Juridical Acts
14. Gabriella Venturini, Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Self-restraint Commitments: The Role of Unilateral Declarations
15. Francis Grimal, Jus ad Bellum: Nuclear Weapons and the Inherent Right of Self-Defence
16. Jonathan L Black-Branch, Countermeasures to Ensure Compliance with Nucleat Non-Proliferation Obligations
17. Dieter Fleck, Disputes on Nuclear Proliferation: Means and Methods for Their Settlement
Jonathan L. BLACK-BRANCH, Dieter FLECK (eds.), Nuclear Non-Proliferation in International Law: Verification and Compliance (Vol. II), Londres, Springer, 2016 (415 pp.)
Jonathan L. Black-Branch is Professor of International Law, Royal Holloway University of London; a Member of Wolfson College, Oxford; Chairman of the International Law Association (ILA) Committee on Nuclear Weapons, Non-Proliferation and Contemporary International Law.
Dieter Fleck is Former Director International Agreements & Policy, Federal Ministry of Defence, Germany; Member of the Advisory Board of the Amsterdam Center for International Law (ACIL); Honorary President, International Society for Military Law and the Law of War; Rapporteur of the ILA Committee on Nuclear Weapons, Non-Proliferation and Contemporary International Law.
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