The latest issue of the Leiden Journal of International Law (vol. 28, n°4, December 2015) is out.
- Editorial
- Sergey Vasiliev, On Trajectories and Destinations of International Criminal Law Scholarship
- International Legal Theory
- Isabelle Ley, Opposition in International Law – Alternativity and Revisibility as Elements of a Legitimacy Concept for Public International Law
- Matthew Windsor, Narrative Kill or Capture: Unreliable Narration in International Law
- International Law and Practice
- Sari Graben & Peter Harrison, Arctic Networks and Legal Interpretations of the UN Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf
- Marcin Kałduński, A Commentary on Maritime Boundary Arbitration between Bangladesh and India Concerning the Bay of Bengal
- Mauro Megliani, Vultures in Courts: Why the UNCTAD Principles on Responsible Financing Cannot Stop Litigation
- Adamantia Rachovitsa, Fragmentation of International Law Revisited: Insights, Good Practices, and Lessons to be Learned from the Case Law of the European Court of Human Rights
- International Court of Justice : Mini-Symposium on the ICJ Judgment in Croatia v. Serbia
- Andrew Mamo, Introduction to the Mini-Symposium on Croatia v. Serbia
- Payam Akhavan, Balkanizing Jurisdiction: Reflections on Article IX of the Genocide Convention in Croatia v. Serbia
- Andrea Gattini & Giulio Cortesi, Some New Evidence on the ICJ's Treatment of Evidence: The Second Genocide Case
- Caroline Fournet, The Actus Reus of Genocide in the Croatia v. Serbia Judgment: Between Legality and Acceptability
- Paul Behrens, Between Abstract Event and Individualized Crime: Genocidal Intent in the Case of Croatia
- Martin Steinfeld, When Ethnic Cleansing is not Genocide: A Critical Appraisal of the ICJ's Ruling in Croatia v. Serbia in relation to Deportation and Population Transfer
- Giulia Pecorella, Rape and Sexual Violence in the ICJ's Judgment in Croatia v. Serbia
- International Criminal Courts and Tribunals
- Athanasios Chouliaras, A Strategic Choice: The State Policy Requirement in Core International Crimes
- Maria Granik, Indirect Perpetration Theory: A Defence
- Sofia Stolk, ‘The Record on Which History Will Judge Us Tomorrow’: Auto-History in the Opening Statements of International Criminal Trials

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