The latest issue of Arbitration International (vol. 33, n°1, March 2017) is out.
Patrick Dumberry, Shopping for a better deal: the use of MFN clauses to get ‘better’ fair and equitable treatment protectionRecent Developments
V.K. Rajah, W(h)ither adversarial commercial dispute resolution?
Bernardo Sepúlveda-Amor, Merryl Lawry-White, State responsibility and the enforcement of arbitral awards
Philip Chong, Blake Primrose, Summary judgment in international arbitrations seated in England
John Gaffney, Should the European Union regulate commercial arbitration?Case Notes
Lucy Greenwood, Tipping the balance – diversity and inclusion in international arbitration
Gary J. Shaw, Third-party funding in investment arbitration: how non-disclosure can cause harm for the sake of profit
Fan Yang, The proper law of the arbitration agreement: Mainland Chinese and English law compared
Blake Primrose, Separability and stage one of the Sulamérica inquiry
Francisco González de Cossío, Mexico’s fantastic three: a pro-arbitration trilogy
Kwadwo Sarkodie, Joseph Otoo, Getma v Republic of Guinea—implications for African arbitration
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