The latest issue of the International & Comparative Law Quarterly (vol. 66, n°3, July 2017) is out.
Sangeetha Pillai & George Williams, Twenty-First Century Banishment: Citizenship Stripping in Common Law NationsShorter Article and Notes
Adamantia Rachovitsa, The Principle of Systemic Integration in Human Rights Law
Massimo Lando, Judicial Uncertainties Concerning Territorial Sea Delimitation Under Article 15 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea
Anna Chadwick, Regulating Excessive Speculation: Commodity Derivatives and the Global Food Crisis
Jérémie Gilbert, Litigating Indigenous Peoples’ Rights in Africa: Potentials, Challenges and Limitations
Tobias Lutzi, Internet Cases in EU Private International Law: Developing a Coherent Approach
Hélène Lambert, Temporary Refuge from War: Customary International Law and the Syrian Conflict
Marek Martyniszyn, Japanese Approaches to Extraterritoriality in Competition Law?
Luca Enriques, A Harmonized European Company Law: Are We There Already?

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