The latest issue of the International Criminal Law Review (vol. 17, n°5, 2017) is out.
Manisuli Ssenyonjo, African States Failed Withdrawal from the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: From Withdrawal Notifications to Constructive Engagement
Jennifer Trahan, The International Criminal Court’s Libya Case(s): The Need for Consistency with International Human Rights as to Due Process and the Death Penalty
Mwiza Jo Nkhata, The Malawi-Rwanda Extradition Treaty of February 2017: An Arrangement of Convenience or a Convenience of Arrangement?
Auriane Botte-Kerrison, Responsibility for Bystanders in Mass Crimes: Towards a Duty to Rescue in International Criminal Justice
Benedict Abrahamson Chigara, The Administration of International Law in National Courts and the Legitimacy of International Law
Catherine S. Namakula, The Human Rights Mandate of a Prosecutor of an International Criminal Trial
Anni Pues, Discretion and the Gravity of Situations at the International Criminal Court

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