The latest volume of the Journal of World Investment & Trade (vol. 18, n°5-6, 2017) is out with a special issue on "International Investment Arbitration in Southeast Asia".
Luke Nottage & Sakda Thanitcul, Special Issue: International Investment Arbitration in Southeast Asia: An Introduction
Luke Nottage & Sakda Thanitcul, International Investment Arbitration in Thailand: Limiting Contract-Based Claims While Maintaining Treaty-Based ISDS
Antony Crockett, The Termination of Indonesia’s BITs: Changing the Bathwater, But Keeping the Baby?
Mahdev Mohan, Singapore and Its Free Trade Agreement with the European Union: Rationality ‘Unbound’?
Sufian Jusoh, Muhammad Faliq Abd Razak & Mohamad Azim Mazlan, Malaysia and Investor-State Dispute Settlement: Learning From Experience
Manh Dzung Nguyen & Thi Thu Trang Nguyen, International Investment Dispute Resolution in Vietnam: Opportunities and Challenges
Romesh Weeramantry, International Investment Law and Practice in the Kingdom of Cambodia: An Evolving ‘Rule Taker’?
Jonathan Bonnitcha, International Investment Arbitration in Myanmar: Bounded Rationality, But Not as We Know It
Romesh Weeramantry & Mahdev Mohan, International Investment Arbitration in Laos: Large Issues for a Small State
Anselmo Reyes, Foreign Direct Investment in the Philippines and the Pitfalls of Economic Nationalism

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