General Principles of Law in Investment Arbitration surveys the function of general principles in the field of international investment law, particularly in investment arbitration. The authors’ analysis provides a representative case study of how this informal source operates alongside and in the absence of other sources of applicable law. The contributions are divided into two parts, devoted respectively to substantive principles and procedural ones. The principles discussed in the book are selected for their currency in the practice, their contested nature and their relevance.
Andrea Gattini, Attila Tanzi, Filippo Fontanelli, Under the Hood of Investment Arbitration: General Principles of Law
Federico Lenci, General Principles of Law on the Legal Force of Provisional Measures in International Investment Arbitration
Maria Beatrice Deli, Transparency in the Arbitral Procedure
Zeno Crespi Reghizzi, General Rules and Principles on State Responsibility and Damages in Investment Arbitration: Some Critical Issues
Francesco Munari, Chiara Cellerino, Investment Arbitration and EU General Principles of Law: Current Developments
Andrea Gattini, Jurisdiction Ratione Temporis in International Investment Arbitration
August Reinisch, Jurisdiction and Admissibility in International Investment Law
Christoph Schreuer, Multiple Proceedings
Piero Bernardini, Annulment of Awards
Attila Tanzi, The Relevance of the Foreign Investor’s Good Faith
Vivian Kube, E.U. Petersmann, Human Rights Law in International Investment Arbitration
Christina Binder, Unjust Enrichment as a General Principle of Law in Investment Arbitration
Pia Acconci, Sustainable Development and Investment: Trends in Law-Making and Arbitration
Catharine Titi, Police Powers Doctrine and International Investment Law
Josef Ostřanský, An Exercise in Equivocation: A Critique of Legitimate Expectations as a General Principle of Law under the Fair and Equitable Treatment Standard
Matteo Sarzo, The National Treatment Obligation
N. Jansen Calamita, Ewa Zelazna, Most-Favoured-Nation Clauses and the Centrality and Limits of General Principles
Ursula Kriebaum, Indirect Expropriation: A Comparative Approach

Andrea GATTINI, Attila TANZI, Filippo FONTANELLI (eds.), General Principles of Law and International Investment Arbitration, Leiden, Brill/Nijhoff, 2018 (462 pp.)
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