The latest volume of the Italian Yearbook of International Law (vol. 24, 2014) is out.
- Editorial
- Francesco Francioni, From Deference to Disobedience: The Uncertain Fate of Constitutional Court Decision No. 238/2014
- Focus: Judgment No. 238/2014 of the Italian Constitutional Court on the Constitutional Legality of State Immunity for International Crimes
- Riccardo Pisillo Mazzeschi, Access to Justice in Constitutional and International Law: The Recent Judgment of the Italian Constitutional Court
- Michael Bothe, The Decision of the Italian Constitutional Court Concerning the Jurisdictional Immunities of Germany
- Giuseppe Cataldi, A Historic Decision of the Italian Constitutional Court on the Balance Between the Italian Legal Order’s Fundamental Values and Customary International Law
- Paolo Palchetti, Can State Action on Behalf of Victims Be an Alternative to Individual Access to Justice in Case of Grave Breaches of Human Rights?
- Symposium: New Horizons in International Environmental Law
- Tullio Scovazzi, Negotiating Conservation and Sustainable Use of Marine Biological Diversity in Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction: Prospects and Challenges
- Massimiliano Montini, The Rise of “Internal Environmental Conflicts” Within the Green Economy
- Elisa Morgera, Justice, Equity and Benefit-Sharing Under the Nagoya Protocol to the Convention on Biological Diversity
- Christine Bakker, Climate Governance Towards “Paris-2015” and Beyond: EU and US Perspectives
- Claudia Cinelli, Protection and Preservation of the Arctic Marine Environment
- Marie-Catherine Petersmann, The Integration of Environmental Protection Considerations Within the Human Rights Law Regime: Which Solutions Have Been Provided by Regional Human Rights Courts?
- Notes and Comments
- Clémentine Bories Fontana-Giusti, Is There a Way to Ensure Effective Protection of Cultural Identities in the Old City of Jerusalem?
- Maria Rosaria Mauro, Sovereign Default and Litigation: NML Capital v. Argentina
- Fulvia Staiano, The Italian Implementation of the Council of Europe Convention on Violence Against Women and Victims’ Rights to Reparations
- Marta Bo, The Interplay Between International Law and National Law in the First Italian Prosecution of Piracy: The M/V Montecristo Case
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