The latest issue of the International Journal of Human Rights (vol. 20, n°4, 2016) is out.
Ezequiel González-Ocantos, Evaluations of human rights trials and trust in judicial institutions: evidence from Fujimori's trial in Peru
Anna Arstein-Kerslake & Eilionóir Flynn, The General Comment on Article 12 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: a roadmap for equality before the law
Katherine Tonkiss, Contesting human rights through institutional reform: the case of the UK Equality and Human Rights Commission
Malayna Raftopoulos, REDD+ and human rights: addressing the urgent need for a full community-based human rights impact assessment
Lisa Forman, Luljeta Caraoshi, Audrey R. Chapman & Everaldo Lamprea, Conceptualising minimum core obligations under the right to health: How should we define and implement the ‘morality of the depths’
George Riach & Zoe James, Strengthening the rule of law on the margins: experiences from Za'atari refugee camp, Jordan
Jennifer Bond & Michele Krech, Excluding the most vulnerable: application of Article 1F(a) of the Refugee Convention to child soldiers
Books reviews
Sarah Ciftci, Decolonising indigenous child welfare: comparative perspectives
Stuart Maslen, Chemical control
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