The latest issue of the Review of European, Comparative & International Environmental Law (vol. 25, n°3, November 2016) is out.
Regular Articles
Benjamin J. Richardson, The Emerging Age of Ecological Restoration Law
Arie Trouwborst, Floor Fleurke, Jennifer Dubrulle, Border Fences and their Impacts on Large Carnivores, Large Herbivores and Biodiversity: An International Wildlife Law Perspective
Susanna Paleari, Managing Chemicals under REACH ‘Hybridity’: Progress and Problems in the Implementation Process
Alexander Gillespie,Vulnerability and Response to the Risk of International Shipping: The Case of the Salish Sea
Yoshifumi Tanaka, Regulation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from International Shipping and Jurisdiction of States
Till Marku, Pradeep Singh, Promoting Consistency in the Deep Seabed: Addressing Regulatory Dimensions in Designing the International Seabed Authority's Exploitation Code
Christian Pri, Ole Kristian Fauchald, Securing Crop Genetic Diversity: Reconciling EU Seed Legislation and Biodiversity Treaties
Eléonore Maitre-Eker, Carl Dalhammar, Regulating Planned Obsolescence: A Review of Legal Approaches to Increase Product Durability and Reparability in Europe
Book Reviews
Jeffrey McGee, Climate Change, Capitalism, and Corporations: Processes of Creative Self-Destruction
Sanna Elfving, Trade in the Service of Sustainable Development: Linking Trade to Labour Rights and Environmental Standards
Abdullah-Al Arif, International Environmental Law and the Global South

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