The latest issue of the American Journal of International Law (vol. 112, n°2, April 2018) is out.
Monica Hakimi, The Jus ad Bellum’s Regulatory FormNotes and Comments
Kevin Jon Heller, Specially-Affected States and the Formation of Custom
Shelly Aviv Yeini, The Specially-Affecting States DoctrineInternational Decisions
Christine Gray, The 2017 Judicial Activity of the International Court of Justice
Jill I. Goldenziel, Khlaifia and Others v. ItalyContemporary Practice of the United States Relating to International Law
Ángel R. Oquendo, STC 3729/2017. Upon Unconstitutionality Actions 3729, 3751; Against Legislative Bill Bulletin No. 9895-11
Jason Rudall, Certain Activities Carried Out by Nicaragua in the Border Area (Costa Rica v. Nicaragua)
Jean Galbraith, Contemporary Practice of the United States Relating to International LawRecent Books on International Law
Anna Spain Bradley, reviewing The Internationalists: How A Radical Plan to Outlaw War Remade the World, by Oona A. Hathaway and Scott J. Shapiro
Peter D. Trooboff & Mawuse Barker-Vormawor, reviewing Courts Without Borders: Law, Politics and U.S. Extraterritoriality, by Tonya L. Putnam
Richard Falk, reviewing Eutopia: New Philosophy and New Law for a Troubled World, by Philip Allott
Gary Solis, reviewing Military Trials of War Criminals in the Netherlands East Indies 1946–1949, by Fred L. Borch

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