This edited volume provides a detailed and nuanced analysis of UN peacekeeping and the use of force, to inform a better understanding of the complex and interconnected issues at stake for the UN community. Peacekeeping is traditionally viewed as a largely passive military activity, governed by the principles of impartiality, consent, and the minimum use of force. Today, most large UN Peacekeeping Operations are only authorized to use force in defence of their mandates and to protect civilians under imminent threat of physical violence.
Recently, with the deployment of the Force Intervention Brigade in the DRC, the UN has gone beyond peacekeeping and into the realm of peace-enforcement. These developments have brought to the fore questions regarding the use of force in the context of peacekeeping. The key questions addressed in this book examine not only the utility of force, but also the dilemmas and constraints inherent to the purposive use of force at a strategic, operational and tactical level.
Should UN peacekeepers exercise military initiative? Is UN peacekeeping capable of undertaking offensive military operations? If so, then under what circumstances should peacekeepers use force? How should force be wielded? And against whom?
With chapters written by experts in the field, this comprehensive volume will be of great use and interest to postgraduate students, academics and experts in international security, the UN, peacekeeping and diplomacy.
Recently, with the deployment of the Force Intervention Brigade in the DRC, the UN has gone beyond peacekeeping and into the realm of peace-enforcement. These developments have brought to the fore questions regarding the use of force in the context of peacekeeping. The key questions addressed in this book examine not only the utility of force, but also the dilemmas and constraints inherent to the purposive use of force at a strategic, operational and tactical level.
Should UN peacekeepers exercise military initiative? Is UN peacekeeping capable of undertaking offensive military operations? If so, then under what circumstances should peacekeepers use force? How should force be wielded? And against whom?
With chapters written by experts in the field, this comprehensive volume will be of great use and interest to postgraduate students, academics and experts in international security, the UN, peacekeeping and diplomacy.
1. Jim Della-Giacoma, The case of East Timor: Ancient history or the shape of things to come?
2. Mark Malan, Action adapted to circumstance: Peacekeeping doctrine and the use of force
3. Carlos Chagas Vianna Braga, Between absolute war and absolute peacekeeping
4. Cedric de Coning, Implications of stabilisation mandates for the use of force in UN peace operations
5. Stian Kjeksrud, Alexander Beadle, Understanding the utility of the UN military component to protect civilians in different scenarios
6. Walter Dorn, Protecting civilians with force: Lessons and dilemmas from the UN Stabilisation Mission in Haiti
7. Charles Hunt, The ‘All necessary means’, to what ends? The unintended consequences of the use of force by UN Peacekeepers
8. Peter Nadin, The logic of force in UN peacekeeping: A policy primer
9. Tim Ford, Leadership in UN Missions
10. David Curran, The use of force and the civil-military dimension
11. Darryl Watters, Generating the ability: The challenges of force generation
12. James Sloan, UN peacekeeping and international lawConclusion

Peter NADIN (ed.), The Use of Force in UN Peacekeeping, Abingdon, Routledge, 2018 (320 pp.)
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