The latest issue of the Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht (vol. 76, n°4, 2016) is out.
V. Volpe, Drafting Counter-Majoritarian Democracy: The Venice Commission’s Constitutional AssistanceStellungnahmen und berichte
K. Berner, Authentic Interpretation in Public International Law
S. Eichel, Kulturgüterschutz und common concern-Konzept: Zur Übertragbarkeit des common concern-Konzepts auf den internationalen Kulturgüterschutz und zu den daraus ableitbaren Rechtsfolgen
B. de Villiers, Community Government for Minority Groups: Revisiting the Ideas of Bauer and Renner Towards Developing a Model of Self-Government by Minority Groups Under Public Law
A. Carter, Proportionality in Australian Constitutional Law: Towards Transnationalism?
R. Muharremi, The Kosovo Specialist Chambers and Specialist Prosecutor’s OfficeBuchbesprechungen
R. Lavalle, The Need for Precision in Formulating Disputes Brought to the International Court of Justice by Special Agreement, with Particular Reference to the 2008 Belize/Guatemala Special Agreement
Uwe Kischel, Rechtsvergleichung. “Rechtsvergleichung”: A New Gold Standard? (Günter Frankenberg)
Uwe Kischel, Rechtsvergleichung. Critical Legal Studies, Postmodernism and the Contextual Method in Comparative Law: A Reply to Günter Frankenberg (Uwe Kischel)
Günter Frankenberg, Comparative Law as Critique (François Venter)
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