The latest issue of Ethics & International Affairs (vol. 31, n°1, Spring 2017) is out.
Michael Ignatieff, Human Rights, Global Ethics, and the Ordinary VirtuesFeatures: RtoP and the Refugee Protection Regime
Kristy A. Belton, Heeding the Clarion Call in the Americas: The Quest to End Statelessness
Carmen Gómez Martín, Rethinking the Concept of a “Durable Solution”: Sahrawi Refugee Camps Four Decades On
Jason Ralph & James Souter, Introduction: The Responsibility to Protect and the Refugee Protection RegimeReview Essay
Dan Bulley, Shame on EU? Europe, RtoP, and the Politics of Refugee Protection
Alise Coen, Capable and Culpable? The United States, RtoP, and Refugee Responsibility-Sharing
Linda Bosniak, Immigration Ethics and the Context of Justice
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