The vol. 20, n° 2, June 2017, of the Journal of International Economic Law is out with a special issue on "New frontiers in empirical legal research: text-as-data and network analysis of international economic law".
Wolfgang Alschner, Joost Pauwelyn, Sergio Puig, The Data-Driven Future of International Economic Law
Mark Daku, Krzysztof J. Pelc, WHO Holds Influence over WTO Jurisprudence?
Mattias Derlén, Johan Lindholm, Is it Good Law? Network Analysis and the CJEU’s Internal Market Jurisprudence
Damien Charlotin, The Place of Investment Awards and WTO Decisions in International Law: A Citation Analysis
Malcolm Langford, Daniel Behn, Runar Hilleren Lie, The Revolving Door in International Investment Arbitration
Todd Allee, Manfred Elsig, Andrew Lugg, The Ties between the World Trade Organization and Preferential Trade Agreements: A Textual Analysis
Jean Frédéric Morin, Joost Pauwelyn, James Hollway, The Trade Regime as a Complex Adaptive System: Exploration and Exploitation of Environmental Norms in Trade Agreements
Tomer Broude, Yoram Z. Haftel, Alexander Thompson, The Trans-Pacific Partnership and Regulatory Space: A Comparison of Treaty Texts

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