17 mars 2018

REVUE : Recueil des cours de l'Académie de droit international (vol. 384, 2017)


Volume 384 of the Recueil des cours, Collected Courses of the Hague Academy of International Law is out.



Chapter I. Historical foundations

Section 1. Introduction
Section 2. From ancient Greece to medieval Italy
Section 3. Early footings: Bartolus, statutists, and unilateralism
Section 4. Huber’s comity
Section 5. The nineteenth century: the classical PIL edifice
Section 6. The twentieth century
Section 7. Summary: the classical PIL system
Chapter II. Substantivist carve-outs
Section 1. The original substantivist method
Section 2. Contemporary substantivist carve-outs
Section 3. Summary
Chapter III. The “international” in private international law
Section 1. What’s in a name?
Section 2. Internationality
Section 3. International uniformity
Section 4. Interstate uniformity
Section 5. Conclusions
Chapter IV. The “private” in private international law 
Section 1. Introduction: private or public law?
Section 2. Brainerd Currie and state interests
Section 3. Not “only in America”: recognition of state interests elsewhere
Section 4. Conclusions
Chapter V. Unilateralist encroachments
Section 1. Introduction
Section 2. The resilience of unilateralism
Section 3. Unilateralism in academic doctrine
Section 4. Not “only in America”: the ubiquity of unilateralism
Section 5. Symbiosis
Chapter VI. The material tempering of conflicts justice
Section 1. The question
Section 2. The orthodox answer: “conflicts justice”
Section 3. The heretical answer: “material justice”
Section 4. Covert result selectivism in the courts
Section 5. Overt result selectivism in legislation
Section 6. Conclusions
Chapter VII. The softening of concepts and rules
Section 1. Introduction
Section 2. The virtual abandonment of connecting factors in the United States
Section 3. Not “only in America”: the softening of connecting factors in recent codifications
Section 4. Escape clauses
Section 5. The movement toward flexibility
Section 6. Conclusions
Chapter VIII. The narrowing of legal categories
Section 1. The classical PIL model: “legal relations”
Section 2. American developments
Section 3. Not “only in America” : dépeçage in codified PIL systems
Section 4. Dépeçage in the Rome Convention and the Rome Regulations
Section 5. Dépeçage in other modern codifications
Section 6. Conclusions
Chapter IX. From idealism to pragmatism and eclecticism
Section 1. The classical PIL
Section 2. Contemporary PIL
Section 3. Not “only in America”
Section 4. Evolution, pragmatism, and eclecticism
Section 5. Conclusion

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