The latest issue of Global Environmental Politics (vol. 17, n°1, February 2017) is out.
Research Articles
Hamish van der Ven, Steven Bernstein, Matthew Hoffmann, Valuing the Contributions of Nonstate and Subnational Actors to Climate Governance
Christian Downie, Fighting for King Coal’s Crown: Business Actors in the US Coal and Utility Industries
Todd A. Eisenstadt, Karleen Jones West, Indigenous Belief Systems, Science, and Resource Extraction: Climate Change Attitudes in Ecuador
Alejandro Esguerra, Silke Beck, Rolf Lidskog, Stakeholder Engagement in the Making: IPBES Legitimization Politics
Yoomi Kim, Katsuya Tanaka, & Shunji Matsuoka, Institutional Mechanisms and the Consequences of International Environmental Agreements
Coraline Goron, Cyril Cassisa, Regulatory Institutions and Market-Based Climate Policy in China
Book Review Essay
Timo Koivurova, Protecting the Environment of the Final Frontiers

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